Stonehouse Inspections of Lincoln, NE has been providing whole home inspections and commercial building inspection services for property buyers and owners in southeast Nebraska for two decades. Steinhausen / Stonehouse Inspections has the best ratings and reviews of any home and/or property inspector in the region (Yelp, Zillow, Google, Facebook and BBB). Thanks for visiting This website was created to answer questions you may have regarding home and building inspections.
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Homebuyers: If you are buying a house you should stipulate in your offer that you would like a whole house inspection. You should also state the conditions of the inspection such as time frame for scheduling and contingency plan in the event that there are problems or issues that were neither evident nor disclosed at the time the offer was made.
It is in every homebuyer's best interest to have a home inspection, especially considering the cost relative to the investment. Every person that has provided me with feedback regarding my service said it was well worth the money. I believe the benefits of my inspections have outweighed the costs for all my clients.
A whole home inspection costs $365. Factors that could affect cost are the size of house and proximity to Lincoln. A whole home inspection includes the inspection, report, archived digital images, and follow-up with real estate agents, mortgage companies and title companies. Additional charges are only warranted if work is required above and beyond the normal scope of duty, such as re-inspections, meeting with contractors, etc. The basic inspection cost does not include specialized services such as hazardous materials testing.
I perform commercial property inspections for owners and buyers of businesses and income producing properties. I have an extensive commercial property background: I worked maintenance in public buildings; was employed as an assistant plant engineer at a food production facility; did commercial concrete construction in college; and I worked as a project manager doing commercial property construction and restoration after college. Since 1999 I've been inspecting commercial properties in conjunction with my home inspection business.

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