We are a proud builder in southern Indiana and are honored that you are considering a Klein Home as your next home. Our company is founded upon integrity, quality, and commitment to our customers. With over 28+ years of experience, we provide our customers with quality homes for life. We take great pride in creating communities and homes that are affordable as well as visually pleasing and comfortable. We go above and beyond to ensure the quality of our homes; we strive to build the home you want - the way you want it.
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Our approved lenders have been selected based solely upon their experience, qualifications, professionalism and reputation for providing low cost competitive mortgage rates, and for being able to close in a timely manner with our home buyer. Some builders have preferred lenders because they have some special interest or buisness relationship with them, however, our interest is that our customers receive the best posible rates!
Klein Homes has developed regional relationships with leading trade partners, ensuring that quality products will be used in building your home. Of course, weather conditions can affect any schedule, but you can generally count on your home building process to follow our 12 Phase Building Process. Our sales consultants will be more than happy to give you valuable insight, whether it be cabinet styles, types of flooring, or even paint selections. I want to lock in my mortgage interest rate, but I'm concerned that the building process will exceeed the time I can hold the rate.

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