Plus, our dedicated team of experts can augment your team with a new level of insights, best practices, and reporting to fuel customer loyalty and increase campaign lift from every channel.
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Loyalty Builders was founded by Dr. Mark Klein and Dr. David Meeker who combined research at the University of New Hampshire with experience building analytics companies and products, such as the popular Forest & Trees. Today Loyalty Builders is a leader in a new breed of automated, service-oriented predictive customer analytics.
Predictions and recommendations for each individual customer in a fast, simple, affordable service. We do not answer all questions about customers, just your most important ones. Our dedicated cloud service identifies what to offer each customer - offers that stimulate more buying - whenever and however you choose to communicate with them.
Marketing's primary job is getting customers to buy. Coaxing repeat buying from a customer requires assessment of their loyalty and the products they are most susceptible to buy. Don't speculate. Let the purchasing data you already have tell you. Loyalty Builders packages advanced data science as an easy to consume, automated cloud service for marketers for a fraction of the time and cost of any other approach.
What if you could know when each and every customer is likely to buy next, what specific products they are most likely to buy, what they will spend, and the risk of defection? Deep personalization means offering the right products in the right lifecycle context on any marketing channel. The right offers are appreciated and motivate purchases.

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