Barry Lease, founder of Incline Builders, has joined Pine Cohn Inc. Incline Builders, founded in 2000, built commercial properties and some of the finest custom homes in both the Lake Tahoe and Truckee areas. The same quality of construction and expertise that was part of Incline Builders can now be obtained at Pine Cohn. This website has remained online to help those looking for Incline Builders and for those interested in seeing some of the past projects completed by Barry Lease. Please contact Barry at Pine Cohn to discuss your new project or remodel plans.
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Below is the history of Incline Builders. Barry Lease, President and Founder of Incline Builders, is now working with Pine Cohn. By reading the history of Incline Builders you will have a better understanding of the building experience that Barry brings to Pine Cohn. Incline Builders was formed in 2000 by Barry Lease and Mark Reynolds.

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